Why hell doesn't make sense!

Last Updated March 7, 2024 09:23

Hey everyone, welcome back! 

Today I want to take some time to focus on the notion of hell. I know that this is a topic that can spark fear in a lot of people that grew up fundamentalists, but I want to assure you that such believe is irrational. 

First, I want to start by defining the attributes of "hell." By hell I'm referring to the physical everlasting place of torment put forward by the majority of fundamentalist Christians. This is a conscious place, the torment is literal, and is literally never-ending lake of fire. Now that I've defined hell, I want to move onto giving my reasons why I'm not convinced, nor do I fear such place. 

My first reason for my claim is that of eternal torture for finite sins. We are led to believe that we deserve to be in hell because we sinned against God. Fine, lets grant that we deserve to be in hell, how do you justify the torture of humans for eternity, for sins committed on a span of 60 to 70 years, maybe more? Christians tend to say, "Well, is not God who send you there, you send yourself there." But this is no explanation why anyone should spend eternity in hell. 

Another one might be, "The only way to be saved from hell is Jesus without believing in him you will go to hell." To refute this, I think it is necessary to go back to the beginnings of the biblical narrative. In Genesis 3:6 Eve eats from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. But what evil did she commit that was deserving of "death"? Disobey? Would her disobedience be reason to curse the rest of humanity with her? Is it wanting knowledge of Good and Evil? If so, why would God not want them to know something? When we read the narrative carefully, we see that the serpent actually told the truth. They did not die, and they "knew" good and evil. 

We should also consider that the snake was the tempter, and God was the creator who put such tree and serpent in that place. It's almost like God knew what he was up to! He created Satan, planted the tree there, and keep knowledge of good and evil from them. Now, how is this one act the cause for all fallenness. 

I want to return to the "you need to believe in Jesus" thing. We are evil because we are born into sin, which we inherited from someone else. Because they sinned once, we now have a nature that sins constantly, and because of that we need salvation? Impressive! God's plan to show how good he is was to condemn billions to hell. All this, I repeat, was to show off his "love." He creates beings capable of feelings and fear, sadness and happiness, but he condemns some to hell because that's the way it's got to be. This is the excuse of many believers will give to excuse such evil behavior from their all-loving, all-knowing God. 

If the best he could do required people to go to hell, why not create? Wouldn't it have been better than to torture people for eternity in a lake of fire? And to make matters worse, the only way people could be saved is by believing in the most ridiculous story of all, that a meek, and loving, and sinless man lived our life and died and paid for our sins just so we could spend eternity with this God. Never mind the people who have never heard of him, never mind the people who are not Christians, and never mind the people who cannot convince themselves of this ridiculous narrative.

We are to believe that all the things that God doesn't like us doing affect him in any way? How toxic does this God have to be? Creates us, creates all of the conditions necessary for us to sin, and after the fact sends us to hell. The best he could do was send meek Jesus to the cross! 

So, the next time you are told that you're going to hell think about this. Think about the reasons why you're going to hell, about the creator of such place and of such conditions. I'm sure I could give many more reasons to defend my position, but I'm going to limit myself to these for now. I'm also aware that there are many other rebuttals by Christians to my claims, but I don't have all the time to list them all here. 

If you enjoyed reading this blog, make sure to check out my YouTube channel at: @PhilosophicalMatters. I'm fairly new to this and will be making more videos and upgrading my equipment soon. 


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